What Colours to Wear (and What to Avoid) at an Irish Wedding

What Colours to Wear (and What to Avoid) at an Irish Wedding

So, you've been invited to an Irish wedding? Congratulations! You're in for a treat of good craic, heartfelt toasts, and probably some questionable dancing as the night wears on. But before you start practising your jig, let's first talk about the all-important question: what on earth should you wear? Don't worry, I’m here to guide you through the hues that will have you fitting in seamlessly as well as those best left in your wardrobe.

Grab a cuppa and let's talk about the rainbow of choices in front of you.

The 'Do' List: Colours That'll Have You Looking Grand

  • Green: You can't go wrong with green at an Irish wedding. It's like wearing red, white, and blue to a 4th of July barbecue in the States – it just feels right. But maybe leave the "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" t-shirt at home, yeah?
  • Earth Tones: Browns, beiges, and warm neutrals are always a safe bet. Think rolling hills and cozy pubs. You'll blend right in with the beautiful Irish landscape (and possibly the whiskey selection at the bar).
  • Pastels: Soft pinks, blues, and lavenders are perfect for that "I just frolicked through a field of wildflowers" look. Plus, they photograph beautifully against the inevitable castle backdrop.
  • Jewel Tones: Deep purples, blues, and emeralds are stunning choices. You'll look like you've just emerged from a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow – in the best way possible, of course.

The 'Don't' List: Colours to Avoid Like a Banshee

  • White: Unless You're the Bride, Just Don't: This is universal wedding etiquette, but it bears repeating. Leave the white to the bride, unless you fancy a death glare from every female relative in attendance.
  • Black: Save It for the Guinness: While a touch of black is fine, head-to-toe black might have people wondering if you've confused the wedding with a wake. Let's keep things cheery, shall we?
  • Bright Red: No Need to Stop Traffic: A bit of red is grand, but a full-on fire engine ensemble might have people mistaking you for an emergency exit sign. Let's not steal focus from the happy couple.
  • Orange: A Wee Bit Controversial: Due to some historical and political associations, it's best to steer clear of orange. No need to accidentally start a debate about the Treaty of Limerick over canapés.

Be Seasonal Savvy

Remember, Ireland's weather is about as predictable as a leprechaun's riddles. For spring and summer weddings, opt for lighter fabrics and brighter hues. In fall and winter, rich colours and heavier fabrics will keep you looking stylish while you avoid hypothermia.

Hue Got This: Parting Advice

Remember, while looking good is important, the real focus is on celebrating the happy couple. So choose an outfit that makes you feel comfortable and confident, raise a glass of the black stuff, and get ready to dance like nobody's watching (even though they probably are – it's a wedding, after all).

Sláinte to the newlyweds, and happy dressing to you!

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